Accountant Day is fast approaching.
November 10 is the day we accountants commemorate a top 25 event in the world’s history–publishing the first book on accounting.
On November 10, 1494, volume 2 of Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita (Everything About Arithmetic, Geometry and Proportion) was published. It is in volume 2 of the Summa that Luca Pacioli included a description of the bookkeeping/accounting system of Venice. In honor of this contribution, Pacioli has carried for centuries the title of Father of Accounting.
This year, I’ve decided to stand on the town’s busiest street corner and inspire passers-by reciting the Accountant’s Chant: Debit — credit — hmmm.
Debit and credit – - David Albrecht
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