To commemorate Accountant Day on Thursday, November 10, 2011, The Summa is conducting its second annual Bean Counters Contest.
If you can correctly guess the total number of M&Ms (regular and peanut) in this jar, you can win a $30 gift certificate from Amazon.
Entries are accepted by commenting to this blog post or by e-mail to Entries must be time-stamped by 11:59 p.m. CT, Thursday, November 10, 2011. Entries must contain contestant’s name and e-mail address.
If no entry correctly guesses the actual number of M&Ms in the jar, the closest guess will be declared winner.
Number of expected winning entries: one. In case of multiple winning entries, the two entries with the earliest time stamp will be declared co-winners, and each will receive a $30 gift certificate from Amazon. The jar contains no items other than regular or peanut M&Ms. Maximum of one entry per person accepted.
Accountant Day is for all accountants, auditors and bean counters to celebrate being a part of the accounting profession. November 10 is chosen as the day of celebration.
On November 10, 1494, volume 2 of Summa de Arithmetica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita (Everything About Arithmetic, Geometry and Proportion) by Fr. Luca Pacioli was published. It is in volume 2 of the Summa that Pacioli included a description of the bookkeeping/accounting system of Venice. In honor of this contribution, Pacioli has carried for centuries the title of Father of Accounting.
Debit and credit – - David Albrecht
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